Grader gate is the answer

I would like to comment about Malcolm Baxter’s recent column about a grader wing being the answer to avoiding snow windrows

Dear Sir:

I would like to make an observation about Malcolm Baxter’s recent column in which he speaks about a grader wing as being the answer to avoiding snow windrows plugging up the bottom of driveways.

I think he is referring instead to a grader gate.

Municipalities I worked for used these to avoid dumping snow in driveways.

The gate is dropped to hold the snow at in front of the grader blade, and when past the driveway the gate is lifted to allow the snow to run off the grader blade. The gate is operated hydraulically by the grader operator.

A grader wing is what is frequently used on highways to push the snowbank away from the edge of the road.

Wings are not practical for the purpose of keeping windrows away from residential driveways.

Andre Carrel,

Terrace, B.C.

Terrace Standard