Grant will help Hat Creek Ranch

A reader writes to explain the significance of a recent grant to Historic Hat Creek Ranch.

Dear Editor,

On Saturday, April 30 the Friends of Historic Hat Creek Ranch (FHHCRS) were very pleased to receive a cheque for $250,000 from the Province of B.C. for the construction of a fire hall/service building at Hat Creek Ranch.

This funding came as a result of our society seeking help from Jackie Tegart, our MLA, because we were not able to obtain funding for this project through normal government business channels. Jackie Tegart took the project on and delivered the results of her hard work on April 30.

The building is critical to ensuring adequate fire protection for the many historic buildings, and especially our centrepiece, the roadhouse. A previous project saw the installation of a state-of-the-art sprinkler system that will help with the initial attack of a fire; but follow-up with firefighters is still necessary. The new building will bring the firefighting equipment from its current storage location at the far end of the site to the entrance. Firefighters will be able to muster at the fire hall and begin their attack on the fire from there.

The board of directors and staff at Historic Hat Creek Ranch would like to thank Jackie Tegart for this huge step forward towards Hat Creek Ranch being a more sustainable operation.

Monty Downs,



Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal