Dear editor,
I understand, in some cases, that a special request for anonymity in letters to the editor might be granted. This is a judgment call.
In the Dec. 16 issue, the editor accepted a letter about a ‘magic wand’ from “Name withheld by request.”
This person used a number of urban legends, myths and plain untruths about driving, seniors, the valley transit system, environmental pollution, the health care system and ICBC.
An over-simplistic and uninformed scattergun approach to a serious issue of driving.
By allowing anonymity, we are left to wonder if the author is a recently elected official, a well-known clergy, a senior bureaucrat, prominent business owner or just some scion of the community who was granted this favour by the editor — the person would be socially and politically embarrassed if identified.
Maybe it was just someone who forgot to take their meds that day? Who knows?
Editors have a special responsibility when handling letters to the editor. Accepting anonymity for this letter was a poor judgment call.
Cliff Boldt,