Grateful for assistance

Two men, one named Colin, helped me perform CPR on my husband after he collapsed during a beach volleyball game

On Aug. 13, my husband collapsed after a beach volleyball game at Skaha Lake and help (911) was called immediately. Two men, one named Colin, helped me perform CPR on my husband.

Unfortunately, I left in the ambulance before finding out the name of one young man. We are eternally grateful and would love to hear who he is. If anyone knows, we would appreciate letting us know. We are also thankful to the paramedics, Dr. Dyck and the rest of the staff in Emergency, ICU and SP3 for the care provided.

We would also like to thank all our friends for their ongoing support and help through this difficult time. The SOVA beach league has also been very kind and thoughtful throughout this ordeal.

Great care was provided in Penticton Regional Hospital as well as Royal Jubillee in Victoria. Thank you to everyone. It is nice to see that there are good people out there. Blaine is healing slowly and happy to be home.

Shannon and Blaine Carver



Penticton Western News