Grateful for assistance

Numerous people provide aid following sledding accident

My deepest thanks to all the people who were sledding up Carmi Hill on Boxing Day around 3 p.m. There were a number of families and friends all thoroughly enjoying the pleasant weather and the quick runs. There were a few fires and much sharing among those present. Cheers could be heard often as great distances were accomplished by young and old.

My family was called to our last run so we could head out to Grandma’s house when a crash ended our play. When my husband realized I was bleeding, he called for first aid, and three families jumped to provide a kit for us. Extra thanks are sent to Doug, Tyler and the young lady wearing runners who gave an extra sweater for warmth. Everyone jumped in to help where they could, even if it was only to clear the run so a quad could carry me to safety.

After a visit to the hospital, five stitches and less of a headache than I expected, I am home and on the mend. I just thought you might like to know how it came out.

Thank you again for all your care and for reminding us again why we love to live in Penticton.

Becky Ramsay





Penticton Western News