Grateful for community support during tough time

Our family has been overwhelmed by the love and support from our friends across Canada, especially from Hope

There is a saying that hard times always reveal true friends and now having experienced a tragedy; I know this to be true. After the very sudden loss of my husband Chad Reis, our family has been overwhelmed by the love and support from our friends across Canada, especially from Hope, B.C.

My daughter Libby and I would like to extend our most heartfelt thank you to the community of Hope, to all of our friends for attending the pub fundraiser for Libby’s trust fund, and especially to Mike and Naomi Chamberlin. You are the most incredible friends anyone could ever ask for.

When I worked for the Fraser Canyon Hospice Society, I always felt like I received more than I ever gave, because I was able to meet and support some extraordinary families. I have each one of you etched in my memory. Once again Hope has given me more than I will ever be able to repay and for that I am so truly grateful.

Thank you

Deena Ropp-Reis and Libby Reis

Hope Standard