Grateful for inclusiveness

Editor: I would like to approach the Christmas season with a positive message.


I would like to approach the Christmas season with a positive message by saying that I am grateful to the staff, chief and council of the Burns Lake Band for their inclusiveness.

I have observed and experienced Chief Albert Gerow’s genuinely kind and gentle spirit.

It is refreshing to see such a consistent quality in a leader.

There’s nothing I like more than a leader whose foundation is based on wellness along with healthy communication skills and firm boundaries.

Chief Gerow, you are a definite asset to this community and we are blessed to have you in the Lakes District.

I appreciate the work that chief and council are putting in to building and establishing solid and sound economic development plans.

I am also pleased to see the work that is being put into building positive and lasting relationships within the Lakes District.

Please be sure to enjoy this Christmas season, knowing that you are supported for your active and positive work.


Kelly Tizya



Burns Lake Lakes District News