Grateful for lift to hospital

Kindness appreciated after rider injured in bike accident.

Dear Editor:

I just wanted to comment that my husband and I experienced the kindness of one of Summerland’s residents on this past holiday Monday.

We were riding our road bikes from Peachland to Summerland, turning off the highway just by the Summerland sign.

My husband went over the cattle grid and went over the handlebars of his bike and suffered quite serious injuries which we subsequently found out was amnesia due to concussion and multiple abrasions.

One car went past us and made no effort to stop and ask if he was okay even though he was bleeding profusely, but the next car stopped.

Unfortunately I never did get the gentleman’s full name but his first name was Russ.

He immediately put my husband, myself and our two road bikes in his car and drove us to Penticton Hospital where my husband was put on a back board and went through many tests, etc.

This gentleman would not even accept money for his gas and I just wanted to let the people of Summerland know that they have a very kind and wonderful person living in their midst.

I hope you can put this little letter into your newspaper as I would dearly like this person to know how very grateful we are for his act of kindness.

Lesley Westwood



Summerland Review