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Call 250-846-5095 or email

Gratitude for those who reached out in melancholy time

Brenda is thankful for people who got her to the other side of a little bout of depression

Right off the top, I have to say thank you and with a lot of gratitude for those of you who called when you read that I was a bit depressed. Your concern lifted the cloud but added another dimension when you told me of your struggles.

I reflect back a few days when a very good friend said, “we are blessed to live in this beautiful valley.” Ray, a retired Anglican Church minister, has a way of setting the world straight. Worked for me.

One reader who suffers from depression told me that she keeps a gratitude journal. Every day she can express gratitude to another person or to herself.

Like me, she lives alone with a couple of old dogs and she shows them the gratitude as well.

Maya Angelou said, “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen it before.”

Perfect, I said to myself and the old dog. Let’s go with that.

“The roots of all goodness lie in the soil of appreciation for goodness.” – The Dalai Lama

Today was a great day. Sunny and warm with friends gathered outside. A few dogs were there as well. Cake was brought for Heinz. A bottle of Bailey’s was supplied to perk up our coffee. With this difficult time with the virus, I can show gratitude for friends and all they do.

Now to the other side of things. I can do nothing about the mask rule at No Frills. Don’t take it personally, just be grateful that someone is considering our health.

Before I go, I just want to let you know I heard the sandhill cranes of Sept. 6.

I also had a hummingbird. It was suffering so I held it and managed to get it to drink some sugar water. After a bit of time I could let it go. “Good luck,” I said. No gratitude, but it flew away.

Thanks again for your concern. You can call me at 250-846-5095 or email a note to

Smithers Interior News