Great effort, Bulldogs!

Our Bulldogs did us proud! They and we as a community can hold our heads high after showing grit and integrity in a hard fought series

To the Editor,

Our Bulldogs did us proud! They and we as a community can hold our heads high after showing grit and integrity in a hard fought series against a talented (in more ways than hockey) team.

I would rather lose with effort and honour than win with slashing, hacking and spearing or by using Oscar-quality antics and embellishments of every clean bump or hit. The whining and sniveling by the Grizzlies, especially their top line, should be embarrassing to the Victoria fans and maybe is why so few show up for their home games.

It is also too bad that what could have been a great Game 6 was determined and interrupted by marginal refereeing and lining and more play stoppages than any hockey fans should have to endure, especially our great fans.

Onward and upward, Go Dogs, go!

Bob Cole,

Port Alberni

(Editor’s note: Bob Cole is affiliated with the Port Alberni Junior Hockey Society, owners of the Alberni Valley Bulldogs)



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