Great medical treatment in area hospitals

Writer was very pleased with emergency treatment in Ashcroft and Kamloops hospitals.

Dear Editor

Medical treatment in Ashcroft and Kamloops is absolutely excellent!

On Sept. 4, my husband Cliff had a medical emergency. A call to 911 had an ambulance and paramedics at our door within five minutes and after a thorough checkover, these two efficient, professional men had him on the way to Ashcroft Hospital

Luck was with us as our emergency happened to be open that day. We wish that others could be so lucky as this is certainly not always the case.

Upon arrival in the emergency room, Nurses Jackie and Lana Rae took over and with Dr. Khan they spent a few hours with testing and diagnosis –stabilizing him before sending him to Royal Inland in Kamloops.

We can’t say enough about these medical professionals. So calm and  reassuring, answering every question in terms that we could understand. We are so fortunate to have this quality of personnel in our local Hospital.

Upon arrival at RIH, the busy, busy emergency room staff and  Dr. Stabler (who Dr. Khan had contacted) were ready for him. Although Cliff was in emergency for 18 hours before being moved to the 6th floor, we were amazed at how efficiently the ER staff work and how caring the Nurses and Doctors are in such a hectic environment.

This fantastic care carried over to the staff on 6 South – amazing, compassionate care and although everyone seems run off their feet, there was never a complaint about the amount of work that was to be done – just patience and understanding. Thanks to all of you.

We all sometimes take our Health Care for granted and if things don’t happen fast enough or are just not to our liking we complain. This experience has certainly opened our eyes to what wonderful facilities, Doctors and Nurses we have in our area. Our grateful thanks to all of you

Anita and Cliff Moore


Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal