Great things to come

It seems fitting that I start writing a column shortly after my re-election, and the election of a fantastic council for the 2011-14 term.

It seems fitting that I start writing a column shortly after my re-election, and the election of a fantastic council for the 2011-14 term.

While we see the next three years as an opportunity to continue the work that has begun (in reducing crime, increasing economic development, partnering with First Nations, and other initiatives), it is also a new beginning.

This council — Ivan, Danica, Geoff, Laurie, Surinder, Sue, and myself  — is committed, dedicated, and passionate about working with community partners to move our great city forward.

Economic development is our number priority in this term, and already work is underway. In a few weeks, the Business Expansion and Attraction Task Force will give council its recommendations, so we can hit the ground running with economic development initiatives early in the new year. We are also looking at an integrated, long-term approach to economic development and finance. We need to think long-term if we are going to make the right decisions in the short term.

I will be writing this column each week, and you can expect I will touch on the major City initiatives and big issues in the community, as well as answering questions and concerns I receive. My e-mail box is always open at In addition, you can call me at 250-392-1775.

On behalf of council, I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. During this busy season, my hope is for everyone to slow down enough to spend time with those family and friends who are so important. Everyone can make a difference this season —volunteer or invite a guest to your table to spread some Christmas cheer and hope.

See you in the new year. There are great things to come!

Kerry Cook is the mayor of Williams Lake.

Williams Lake Tribune