Letters to the editor.

Green candidate in recent election challenges NDP supporters to put an end to old-growth logging

Dear editor,

Dear editor,

The B.C. Sierra Club warns that only 35,000 hectares of forests with very big old trees still exist in B.C., most of it not protected from logging. Despite promising sustainable forest management in 2017, Premier Horgan has logged over a million acres of old-growth since he took office, and he continues to log, even in critical habitat for mountain caribou and spotted owl, both listed federally as endangered. We are witnessing the irreversible collapse and loss of this ancient ecosystem where trees can be 1,000 years old: it rivals the slaughter of four million buffalo on Canada’s plains over a century ago.

Old-growth logging releases vast carbon deposits into the atmosphere, and the NDP continues to promote LNG with its huge methane footprint. Both the NDP and the B.C. unions that support them talk about social justice, but B.C.’s reckless increase in greenhouse gases contributes to global droughts, famine and flooding that are intensified by climate change, and undermine human rights and democracies, compelling tens of millions of desperate people to become migrants or refugees every year.

So – if you voted for Mr. Horgan – what are you going to do to stop his ecological crimes?

Gillian Anderson,


Comox Valley Record