Green candidate makes good points

Most important to me was the breath of fresh air from Manly’s open and honest statement about wanting to be free as an MP.

To the Editor,

Re: Manly seeks green nomination, Jan. 8.

Thanks to Chris Bush for his informative coverage of Paul Manly’s upcoming candidacy for the Green Party of Canada.

The points Manly made are all important ones: the non-issue of vote splitting; the willingness of the Greens to compromise; the demystifying of possible coalitions; voter apathy and disenfranchisement, etc. But most important to me was the breath of fresh air from Manly’s open and honest statement about wanting to be free as an MP to speak his mind and vote his conscience. It appears only the Green Party offers such freedom – the way representative democracy should run, but does not, now in Canada.

Jordan EllisNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin