‘Green’ moves based on unproven theories

Premier, how about giving us back the freedom to choose which type of light bulb we want to use in our homes?

Re: “Chilly climate for B.C. carbon plan,” Tom Fletcher, The Leader, Nov. 22.

There should be no “carbon plan.”

The greenhouse gas theory of climate change is an elaborate science hoax, a futile exercise in political correctness.

It is not backed up by any hard evidence (only computer modelling) and is contradicted by hard historical climate data, which in fact point to changes in solar energy as the primary agent of climate change.

Gordon Campbell was suckered into believing in the greenhouse gas hoax, and we are all now suffering because of it.

The Pacific Carbon Trust is wasting taxpayers’ money, and soon our Hydro rates will increase because  the efficient, natural gas-driven Burrard Thermal power plant is being scrapped for the sake of the unproved and incorrect greenhouse gas theory.

This insanity has to stop before our economy is irrevocably wrecked.

I applaud Premier Christy Clark for putting the so-called “green” agenda on the back burner where it belongs, and focusing on growing British Columbia’s economy for the sake of all of us and our descendants.

And premier, how about giving us back the freedom to choose which type of light bulb we want to use in our homes?

I don’t want mercury in my home.

Scrap the ban on harmless incandescent bulbs.

This nuttiness has to stop.


Kenneth Lawrence


Surrey Now Leader