Green Party’s about-face a result of hearing the voters

B.C. Green Party, Elizabeth May, smart meters, B.C. Hydro

Re: Green Party gets lost in static (B.C. Views, Aug. 3)

Tom Fletcher is missing the point in his attack against the Green Party. He doesn’t seem to understand that people are worried they are not getting the facts. Elizabeth May and Jane Sterk are acting responsibly. They are responding in accordance with public feedback. This is what politicians must learn to do.

It just appears that the Green Party is more responsive. B.C. Hydro has given us one set of facts, and not the whole truth. When they say radiation exposure is equal to 30 minutes on a cellphone it is very misleading. Smart meter radiation is whole body exposure, not just into the brain.

They may need to update their meters, but it is not necessary to do it wirelessly. The ITRON meters can be wired, as stated in the patent by the makers.

Tom Fletcher also needs to understand that people are worried because some of them are showing EMF sensitivities now, such as tingling in the hands and arms, constant ringing in the ears and hearing humming or high-pitched sounds constantly. Many are experiencing difficulty sleeping and higher levels of anxiety.

Fletcher himself is not immune to these effects, as much as he wants to ridicule them with the words “tiny tinfoil-hat” movement. This is a serious question: will our technology do us more harm than good?

Patricia Irwin


Victoria News