Greenhouse noise

Can anyone with a greenhouse help solve a problem we have?

Can anyone with a greenhouse help solve a problem we have? A neighbour whose property abuts ours has a greenhouse, and runs the fan continually, despite having the greenhouse door and roof panel open.

This fan creates a considerable and annoying droning noise which cannot be escaped anywhere on our property, and runs whenever the sun is on the greenhouse. Already it has run for over three and a half hours one day with no respite, and we are wondering if there is any way this noise can be artificially baffled as it comes straight toward our deck.

Since it is only early May, the fan will be on longer and longer as summer warms up. Consequently we cannot enjoy either using our deck, or having our doors and windows open on a hot day.

We would appreciate hearing any suggestions on how to reduce the noise.

Rosemary TaylorQualicum Beach

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