Greenhouses the culprits?

Mayor George Peary’s apocalyptic tactics supporting P3 are highly suspicious so I take delight in confusing matters even worse.

Mayor George Peary’s apocalyptic tactics supporting P3 are highly suspicious so I take delight in confusing matters even worse.

I am convinced more than ever that those monster greenhouses that have been invading and polluting our fragile environment are the real culprits behind this issue.

These operations require an enormous amount of water and, as they prepare to expand P3, will be placing a very expensive welcoming mat out for them.

No one at city hall has ever disclosed how we having been benefiting from the existing greenhouse industry and how much our taxes are going to increase if we have to start subsidizing them.

I suggest that there are no appreciable returns and that our taxes are going to skyrocket, so what harm is there if some of them will be forced to downsize or shut down if we vote no?

Don’t forget how an underhanded scheme called Plan A penetrated our defences and enslaved us into subsidizing the local sports and entertainment complex to the tune of multi-millions of dollars for many years to come.

P3 is adding insult to a major injury and we have to finally stand up for ourselves.


John Skorupa

Abbotsford News