Green’s pledge to freeze taxes was resisted by council majority

From 2008-11, most members of council wanted nothing to do with spending cuts and voted to increase taxes beyond costs of inflation.

Editor: I would like to offer a balancing opinion to the full page attack ad on Rick Green (The Times, Nov. 11). My take on his so-called “divisive politics” is that he had promised to cut municipal spending to the bone and to hold residential property taxes to no increase, after years of  Township councils spending like drunken sailors on shore leave.

Several members of the council, sometimes referred to as fox and the henhouse, wanted nothing to do with spending cuts and have been quite happy to raise our property taxes every year, well beyond the cost of inflation.

The point of this letter is not to promote Green, but rather point out what the “Unelection Langley” campaign has been trying to get across. If we return these incumbents, look forward to four more years of excessive property tax increases.

Win Bromley,


Langley Times