Greenwood gets glitzy

In Focus column by Andrew Tripp, Nov. 12 Boundary Creek Times.

I have to admit that I was feeling a little trepidatious when I set off on Saturday afternoon to cover the benefit fashion show slated for the McArthur Centre in Greenwood.

I could but applaud the organizers’ boldness in holding such a “highbrow” event in a region renowned more for cowboy boots than well-heeled fashionistas and streets populated by uber-slim model types dressed in skin tight spandex, but I was genuinely concerned that a fashion show simply would not attract enough interest to make it successful.

When I pulled up outside the McArthur Centre, however, my doubt was immediately erased. Parking spaces were at a premium, and there was a steady flow of patrons through the hall’s doors, which weren’t actually scheduled to open for another 15 minutes. Once inside, I was hit by a buzz of energy I honestly had not experienced since leaving the city; the conversation was loud and lively, the beverages were flowing and the anticipation could be cut with a knife.

There were volunteers sharply attired in black-and-white, elegantly-dressed tables full of donated auction items, appetizers, both savoury and sweet laid out for all to enjoy, and then there was the stage.

A real fashion runway had been cleverly crafted from plywood risers and vertical panels, erected to hide the models as they moved from one outfit to the next, and the whole setup was professionally-lit and simply looked great!

I was very impressed, and pleased that I was covering the event, which, in my eyes at least, made everyone that attended feel special.

The fashion show itself was high energy and lots of fun, and the clothing impressive as well. I loved the fact that the model entourage was an eclectic group, ranging from lithe twentysomethings who mimicked the cat walkers of high fashion shows perfectly, to more mature, sophisticated ladies who genuinely seemed to be enjoying themselves.

All in all, a very special afternoon, and one which will go a long way to ensuring that a fire-ravaged Westbridge family will have a new house to call home in the not so distant future. Congratulations to the organizers, and I’m sure all of the show’s attendees would agree with me when I say, “Let’s do it again next year!”


I’m glad to hear that some of the proceeds from the upcoming Rock Creek Craft Fair are earmarked to go towards the refurbishment of the Bridesville community hall’s washrooms and kitchen, something that has been a long time coming. Frankly, it’s a little off-putting climbing down that steep set of stairs to a decidedly rank basement and its dingy bathrooms. I am by no means a snob, but heck, sometimes I’ve felt certain there was somebody or something lurking in the shadows waiting to do the nasty to me.

I love what the hall represents to the community, but it’s time for a facelift, and I truly hope that those running the Bridesville Community Club will do it right and make the once vaunted building a pleasure to enter rather than a challenge. And yes, I am willing to volunteer some time and energy to the project, as long it doesn’t concern the following: plumbing, wiring, framing, painting, door-hanging, appliance installation, lighting design, flooring or cleaning of any type. Other than that, I’m at your service!


On the same day this newspaper and other media outlets were reporting that Mt. Baldy ski resort would be opening for the season, I received a press release from representatives of the resort’s receivers stating that the group’s bid to purchase the resort had not been successful after all, and that the hill may, in fact, not be opening as promised.

The prospective purchasers’ website is no longer providing daily updates regarding their proposed purchase of the resort, though I’m sure I will hear the outcome at some point in the next few weeks. If I hear anything I’ll let you know!


Boundary Creek Times