Grizzly bear trophy hunting ban needs to be lifted

Grizzly bear trophy hunting ban needs to be lifted



The grizzly bear trophy hunting ban needs to be

lifted, and regulations changed so the hunter takes all the animal he or she wants – head, hide and meat.

If meat is left, it isn’t wasted as animals and birds soon clean it up and waste nothing. Guides and outfitters contribute considerably to the B.C. economy.

As to the 4000 who responded to the government invitation to respond to the ban, 78 per cent were in favour of it. It would be interesting to know how many of those have anything to do with the bears except as tourists.

In bygone years, many black bears were harvested in the fall for fat or meat. Bear fat is superior to pig fat for baking.

Leave hunting and game regulations to those who keep track of animal population, not politicians.

Also, all regulations must apply to everyone the same.


Hugh Wilton Bohmer

Burns Lake Lakes District News