Group shows support in Ottawa for New Prosperity

I was in Ottawa this week with a group to promote the New Prosperity project.

I was in Ottawa this week with a group to promote the New Prosperity project.

We met with the Conservative caucus and parliamentary secretaries to let them know there is very strong support for the project in the Cariboo.

Our group included MLA Donna Barnett, Chamber president Jason Ryll, former Chief Ervin Charleyboy, and a number of Cariboo business people.

Federal Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq has until the end of February to make a decision on whether the mine can go ahead.

Council considered a staff report on the Highway 97 four-laning project at a Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday evening, and made a recommendation to proceed with Option One, which was presented to the community last June.

This option for the most part retains existing traffic patterns, though the signalized intersection on the highway will move from Carson Drive to Toop Road.

Refinements to Option Oneconsidered Tuesday include pedestrian improvements and the addition of a bike path on Broadway Avenue.

Staff at the City and the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure also considered a Citizen’s Committee proposal for roundabouts on each side of the highway.

After producing a concept drawing taking into account road and safety standards, as well as terrain, the concept was found to have significant cost and property impacts.

Council will formally consider the recommendation to move forward with the refined Option 1 at the Feb. 11 council meeting.

Everyone is invited to come to the complex on Family Day Monday, Feb. 10 for a free family skate from 10:30 a.m. to noon, funded by a provincial grant.

There will be free skate rentals and the concession will be open.

A great way to spend some active family time together!


Kerry Cook is the Mayor of Williams Lake.



Williams Lake Tribune