Grow Your Life: A sense of community

As nature begins to unfold into another season, so do we, as a community.

Have you heard the birds lately? Take a moment on your walks or while you are out in the yard doing spring clean-up and really listen. The winter birds seem to be celebrating the warmer days, and those returning and migrating through are adding to the conversation.

Down on the lake, the swans have been seen by the dozens frolicking in the open water, and the woodpeckers can be heard as they tap away in search of a meal. As nature begins to unfold into another season, so do we, as a community.

This winter, our community welcomed new babies into the world, (Editor’s note: The Valley Echo staff is pleased to congratulate reporter Steve Hubrecht and his wife Jenny on their new addition to the valley — baby boy Hadley, born in Invermere on Friday, April 25th!), celebrated lives well lived and came together to support individuals and families who faced incredible challenges. The old saying, “it takes a community to raise a child” still rings true, and I would suggest that it takes all of our hearts, connected as one, to continue to grow and support this valley. Our sense of community is very strong and the faces continue to change with each season. Just like the birds that come and go at various times, so do our residents and visitors. Our community includes the full-time residents, tourists and weekend warriors.

At times, we can lose sight that we are all one, and the attitude of separation seeps in. You can hear the elements of this in our thoughts, our words, the level of service we provide, and sometimes the impatience we feel.

Let’s raise our awareness and embrace a win-win attitude for all people living, coming and going from this special place. When we take a moment to appreciate and observe the natural beauty around us, we can’t help but be reminded that we are responsible for our own sense of community, and we are all members and stewards of something much bigger.

Elizabeth Shopland is a horticulturist for Homefront Essentials Gardening, a Certified Solution Focused Coach, author and speaker, and the owner of Banyan Tree Solutions. She can be reached at 250-342-8978 or

Invermere Valley Echo