Grow Your Life: More time and space for you

It’s always amazing to see people who are creating changes in their lives, and I believe we all benefit by way of the ripple effect.

So, how are those New Year’s resolutions going? Are you staying consistent with your actions and staying on track with what you said you really desired? You may have stated you wanted a new job this year, to lose some weight, hit the gym, increase your income, ski and walk more or perhaps spend quality time with your family and friends. Congratulations to all of you who are stepping up and into your goals!

It’s always amazing to see people who are creating changes in their lives, and I believe we all benefit by way of the ripple effect. The next question is: what could you be doing to nurture you?

Some refer to this as feeding the soul or human spirit, while others think of it as having a more peaceful and balanced feeling. Out of all the things you are busy doing, this is perhaps the most important one to support who you are.

Self-honouring is a way for all of us to create time and space just for us. It probably looks different for each person, but the bottom line is that it can support you with feeling more in a state of harmony from the inside out. This is important not only for our physical health, but also for our emotional, mental and spiritual health as well.

Could you read more, meditate, take a yoga class, enjoy naps, go shopping, linger in a hot bath, spend more time with your pets, volunteer, write in a journal, go out with your spouse or friends and laugh more, surf the web for the vacation you’ve always wanted to go on, do more photography, play games, talk with an old friend, smile and hug more people, book a spa appointment or spend time with nature?

If everyone did a little more self-honouring, what difference would that make in our lives? Everyone deserves more and so do you.

Invermere Valley Echo