Of the nine liatris planted in Centennial Park by the White Rock and Surrey Naturalists, only three remain.

Of the nine liatris planted in Centennial Park by the White Rock and Surrey Naturalists, only three remain.

Growing concerns


Members of the White Rock and Surrey Naturalists met June 15 at the Eva Bene Butterfly Garden in Centennial Park.


The work party of members of the White Rock and Surrey Naturalists met Friday, June 15, at the Eva Bene Butterfly Garden in Centennial Park.

The team leader was waiting for us with disappointing surprises.

The scented “honeysuckle vine” that she had carefully chosen and nursed at her house through the winter had disappeared. A little further down the path, four out of the nine “liatris” were also missing. This was their second year and they were just starting to fill in, protected from the rabbits with regular red pepper spray during the spring.

Further, other perennials and a great number of recently planted annuals were nowhere to be found.

In several spots, people and large dogs have walked, flattened the seedlings and picked the flowers.

The group went to work visibly disturbed and short of the energy that drove them in the past.

Laurence Assoignon, Surrey


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