Growls and Hugs for Aug. 8

Growls and Hugs for Aug. 8

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bear hug!

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bear hug!

Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to

Submitting something to the Review does not guarantee that it will be published. We reserve the right to edit for length, spelling and grammar. We will not be publishing foul language, defamatory or mean spirited submissions.

All submissions will be published anonymously unless the author notes otherwise.

Blooming flowers

A big thanks to the crews up on Mount Revelstoke! Heading up to the summit to see the wildflowers made for a breathtaking experience, and the crew throughout the park were super helpful when picking out which paths to check out. Definitely worth the drive up the mountain!

Summer hours

Working late has made it next to impossible to drop into shops and run errands around town on weekdays. As summer becomes busier in Revelstoke, I hope businesses come to the realization that closing up early might not be the best plan to excel in town!

Holy good chicken batman!

To Vince and Pat at the Big Eddy Market – What a great treat to eat such well prepared chicken that is baked and not deep fried. It was crisp on the outside and mouth watering juicy on the inside. I will be back for more and that is a promise.

Early morning wake-up calls

I’m excited to see construction crews are popping up through the city and getting things done, but what’s not as exciting is the unexpected alarm of beeping and mechanical slamming in the morning, especially on a day off. Why isn’t there a snooze button for the outside world?

Cuisine options

With family visiting from out of town, I was amazed to look at how many incredible options I had to show them for dinner. We really are spoiled with all the high qualities menus around town and I couldn’t be happier about it. For a city of our size, the consistency of good meals is something we should take true pride in.

Road Rage

A big growl to whoever was so impatient that they decided to flash their high beams at me on the Trans Canada Highway Wednesday while I was already over the speed limit. I’ve never had the audacity to flash my brights at anyone and can’t believe drivers are so impatient that they do. It’s dangerous and doesn’t solve anything. Either pass or learn some patience!

Breakfast bonus

Happy Hugs to Char for making my mornings with a sausage. I even get to vacuum up some of Jeffery the crow’s cut up ones. Life is good – Eowyn


In regards to the wildfire in Mt. Revelstoke National Park just east of the city on August 2, it was distressing to watch the futile and costly effort by the lone helicopter to control this incident by bucketing. Waste of the taxpayers money! – George Benwell

Revelstoke Review