Growls and Hugs for Jan. 2

Growls and Hugs for Jan. 2

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bearhug!Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bearhug!Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to

Submitting something to the Review does not guarantee that it will be published. We reserve the right to edit forlength,spelling and grammar. We will not publish foul language, defamatory or mean spirited submissions.

All submissions will be published anonymously unless author notes otherwise.

Double shovel

What’s with the traffice that drives so fast they splash snow back on the sidewalk you’ve just shovelled? Same goes to the city’s snow plow drivers. More work for us dedicated shovellers!


Gotta love ’em but how to train them not to bark? Four hours while at a friends house for Christmas is far too much. You’d think I was torturing the pup or something when in reality he had all the water, food toys and blankets he could want, just because he wasn’t allowed out of the ‘dog room’… But, he’s still a baby right?

Friends that are family

Shout out to my friend’s family who not only fed me a Christmas Eve and Christmas Day feast and made me feel welcome in their home despite my noisy guest, but also showered me with gifts and made me fell overwhelmed and spoiled. Thank you for helping keep my homesickness at bay. Lots of love!


Round of applause to the Community Christmas Dinner Committee and volunteers. Thank you for your passion, dedication and time spent doing something so special for the community. May we all aspire to be more like you!

Long drives

Sometimes I wish we grew up on the other side of the world, where it is Christmas in the summer. Travelling to visit family would be so much easier and perhaps even possible! But then again, there is nothing better than a white Christmas. Sending love to the family I couldn’t make it to see! Hopefully next year. We need that scrabble rematch.


Cheers to everyone who put on the Santa suite this holiday season. The delight, and sometimes fear, you bring to children is adorable to see!

Revelstoke Review