Growls and Hugs for March 20

Growls and Hugs for March 20

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bearhug! Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to

Someone or something got your hackles up? Or maybe someone made you smile today and you want to give them a bearhug! Send your rants and raves, peeves or thank yous, of 150 words or less to

Submitting something to the Review does not guarantee that it will be published. We reserve the right to edit for length, spelling and grammar. We will not publish foul language, defamatory or mean spirited submissions.

All submissions will be published anonymously unless author notes otherwise.


Growls to the liberal minded planned protest Friday, constructive writing, brainstorming and positive solutions solving would be better for these young minds. The solutions are from within, not some fast talking corrupt politician, protest and civil disobedience probably not the way to go, it solves nothing.


Growls to the dog owners who haven’t been picking up after their dogs. You can really tell now that the snow is melting. Let’s get it together everyone, and keep our community looking, and smelling, nice.


Cheers to all of the smiling people out and about in the beautiful weather. Nice to see everyone without goggles on. However, I feel like I need to reintroduce myself to everyone. Sorry if I don’t recognize you.

Spring conditions

Rant to the early spring conditions. Hopefully we get some more powder before summer sets in. We don’t need an early wildfire season, plus, I’m not done shredding.

Food recovery

A round of applause for the food recovery team and volunteers at Community Connections. What a fantastic program. We are way ahead of the game here in Revelstoke.


As excited as I am for summer, I am not happy about my friends leaving. A season isn’t long enough. A year isn’t even long enough. Safe travels, stay in touch and come back soon.


@RevelstokeRevueeditor@revelstoketimesreview.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.

Revelstoke Review