Gun amnesty off target

How many people would take their personal valuable private property and just give it away?

To the editor;

I’ve always considered myself a law-abiding citizen and gun owner.

However, I am now classified as a political activist or a person awaiting trial. That is the definition of the province’s weapons amnesty.

Why, as a law-abiding gun owner, does the government need to grant me amnesty? I haven’t done anything wrong.

If I wish to turn in a firearm, I can do that at any time. Why someone would want to do this is beyond me — and especially with no remuneration. Wouldn’t you rather take them to your local gun shop and receive something for them, knowing full well they will continue to be enjoyed for years to come?

I wonder how many people would take their personal valuable private property and just give it away.  As a gun owner, I can think of nothing worse than having my firearms destroyed.

How many collectable, family heirloom and useable firearms will be forfeited in the interest of public safety?

In many cases, these firearms are our history and heritage. Is that police officer coming into your private residence properly trained to receive and check all types of firearms to ensure they are unloaded and safe for travel?

Are we putting these officers in harm’s way? Don’t the police have more important matters to tend to?

The gun amnesty is a gun grab and gun-scare tactic. Remember — you have done nothing wrong.  Owning firearms is not a crime in Canada. Keep your firearms.

If you feel you want to dispose of your firearms, please bring them or call me at the PowderKeg Gun Shop. I will treat you fairly and, who knows, you will probably leave with a cheque. It sure beats the alternative.

I can remember when seized and turned-in firearms were offered for sale to dealers and the money received was deposited into public coffers.

As most reasonable Canadians are aware, we do not have a gun problem in Canada. We have a people problem and the sooner we start to seriously address that issue, the better.

Keep your property or heirlooms (if they are). Shoot them, enjoy them, clean and polish them and respect them.

Mark Anderson,

owner PowderKeg Shooters Supply

Kamloops, B.C.


Barriere Star Journal