Gypsy moth spraying has made her ill

My throat was sore and congested. I felt terrible all day. I was dizzy, and feeling very off, and coughing.

Editor: I live in Langley — just one of the communities being sprayed for gypsy moth prevention. I understand the need for it, of course. No one wants to see everything green become eradicated by this aggressive pest.

That said, I am pretty appalled at the lack of correct and consistent information being provided to whole communities. Many don’t watch TV or receive news or mailings, and aren’t informed.

This spraying has made me ill. This weekend saw round two of spraying start Sunday morning at 5 a.m. My window was open overnight, and my throat was sore and congested. I felt terrible all day. I was dizzy, and feeling very off, and coughing.

I had other co-workers and acquaintances advise me they felt this way too. Now (Tuesday morning), we’re on our third morning in a row of low-level spraying.

I was also initially upset at the 5 a.m. roar (yes, it’s very loud as it passes over our house) and they were still passing over at 7:30 a.m. when I left for work.

However, I am more upset that officials are advising that its OK, healthwise.

I am not alone with these symptoms. Not by far. They can say whatever they want to pacify the public. The immediate reaction to the spraying isn’t false.

Anyone insinuating that or not believing there have been  health issues from this has not had the spraying all over their homes and properties or multiple days. #gypsymoth. Grrrr.

Kim Hale,


Langley Times