Half PWD could never use bus pass

I have a son who is on disability and I would like to comment on a recent letter to the editor which does not tell the whole story.

I have a son who is on disability and I would like to comment on a recent letter to the editor which does not tell the whole story.

It’s not difficult to look up the facts and get the full picture why the government made changes to the bus pass program for the disabled.

There are approximately 100,000 people on disability assistance in our province, which included a bus pass for everyone at an annual individual cost of $45 as an administration fee. Of the 100,000 receiving the bus pass, 45,000 or almost 50 per cent were not able to use the pass simply because there is no bus service where they live. The changes made by Minister Michelle Stilwell will mean that all 100,000 people on disability assistance will see their cheques increased by $52 per month for a transportation allowance and $25 per month increase in their support allowance for a total of $924 per year.

In addition, it’s my understanding that the ministry is also going to waive the $45 administration fee for further savings. People can use that extra money for a bus pass ($624) or they can use it on whatever else they choose.

My son could never use the bus pass and with nearly half of the people in the province not able to use one, giving everyone a $52 monthly cheque is a fairer solution and a step in the right direction.

Sylvia Martin


Parksville Qualicum Beach News