Halibut habitat

Does an industry that I believe needs to release poisons and pathogens into the ocean really belong in our waters?

Does an industry that needs to release poisons and pathogens into the ocean really belong in our waters?

Vancouver Island Conservative Members of Parliament James Lunney (Nanaimo-Alberni) and John Duncan (Vancouver Island North) think so. They are campaigning for this and seeking public input regarding new regulations that would allow the open-net salmon farm industry to release chemicals that kill fish into our waterways. They would also allow the industry to kill wild fish to control pathogens.

The laws of Canada are being changed to benefit foreign-owned salmon farms using and abusing Canadian waters to make money. In B.C., salmon farms are operating in highly-productive prawn, wild salmon, rock cod and halibut habitat. Releasing chemicals that kill fish into our waters is a very bad idea. You have until Oct. 22 to comment on these proposed regulations to: Ed Porter, Manager, Aquaculture Policy and Regulatory Initiatives Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 200 Kent Street, Room 8N187, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6. Fax: 613-993-8607 or e-mail FPPTR-RTPPP@dfo-mpo.gc.ca.

Carol Stewart


Parksville Qualicum Beach News