Halloween costumes and dancing

Halloween costumes and dancing

The day after Halloween and a snowfall has hit Houston that would put the blizzards at Dairy Queen to shame.

The day after Halloween and a snowfall has hit Houston that would put the blizzards at Dairy Queen to shame.

I suppose this is better than the 2013 Halloween night, where there was so much snow on the ground my girlfriends and I were slipping and sliding in our costumes trying to make our way from one house gathering to the next.

We should have dressed as skiers from the ’80s, I bet that would have kept us warm.

Halloween is one of my favourite times of the year, but this year I felt like I dropped the ball on costume designing. Usually the day after Halloween, I am planning for next year’s costume.

Though I planned out what I wanted to be for this year, and began gathering materials together at the beginning of September, I still showed up to the Halloween dance at the legion with a sign that said, “Error 404. This costume will not load. The search engine was lazy.”

To my surprise, I got a lot of compliments on it.

I had so much fun at the legion. There were a lot more people there this year than last, and the dancing didn’t seem to stop until 2 a.m.

This year I think Houston did an amazing job with Halloween activities and events.

The Houston Minor Hockey Association, spooked kids and adults at their haunted house at the arena. The Pleasant Valley Plaza had all sorts of Halloween themed decor in the lounge and for mini golf, and Happy Jack’s set the bar for dinner and dancing on the weekend before Halloween.

I remember as a kid being scared to go into haunted houses, so I would always opt out every year. As an adult I am proud to say that I have overcome that fear, except this year I had the hiccups scared out of me when I went to visit a friend whose son was dressed up as a zombie and made me fall almost flat on my back when he answered the door.

Next year I promise to bring my costume game to the table. I have half the supplies now to complete my Sonic the hedgehog look, so there will be no dropping the ball.

Houston Today