Hamas attacks justify Israeli ‘aggression’

NANAIMO – Re: Support for Israel furthers atrocities; Palestine stance erases objectivity, Letters, Dec. 4.

To the Editor,

Re: Support for Israel furthers atrocities; Palestine stance erases objectivity, Letters, Dec. 4.

When writers refer to Israeli “aggression” against Gaza, I wonder what their perspective is on the thousands of rockets fired out of Gaza into Israel by the Islamic Hamas movement and other anti-Jewish factions.

The latest Israeli retaliation was provoked by Hamas firing their latest Iranian-supplied missiles, which can now reach major cities in Israel.

Am I missing something by believing, like our government, that Israel has a right to exist and defend itself?

I agree with Lloyd Atkins who, as master of the obvious, claims negotiating peace agreements requires imagination and compromise.

But it also requires two countries, or in this case, one country and one geographical entity, who both want peace.

As long as there are Palestinian Arabs who opt to be governed by Hamas, whose sole raison d’etre is to obliterate Israel, there will obviously be no peace.

As for the suggestion that Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird “bang a shoe on the podium” during his next United Nations visit, I say why waste energy.

I’d rather he simply tell the UN that we’ve had enough of their corrupt, dysfunctional organization and we’re pulling out.

My rationale for that would require another letter.

Jim Corder


Nanaimo News Bulletin