Happy trails to the coach

Reporter Craig Lindsay is headed for a new job in Merritt.

It was the day before Craig Lindsay’s official last day here at the Castlegar News, publishing day. As the finishing touches were being applied to this print product, Craig had more on his mind than simply packing up a two bedroom apartment and loading up a U-Haul.

He had basketball to coach, not exactly the most relaxing way to get over a very hectic several days, but something he truly enjoys, and by all accounts, something he’s got a definite aptitude for.

Coaching sports was one of Craig’s sidelines during his year and a half here in the West Kootenays. He also belonged to the Sunrise Rotary Club. Craig made quite a few friends since July  2011 when he and the editor joined the news-squad based at the Fireside Inn.

Liking Craig is easy. He’s got the kind of personality that kind of reminds a person of a kindly relative. He’s not the kind of person to be outwardly critical of others, and his sense of humour made him a fun guy to work with.

Many thanks also to Craig for the volume and quality of the work he did for the Castlegar News and the West Kootenay Advertiser.

Craig’s moving west to the scenic Nicola Valley… to the editor’s desk at the Merritt Herald. It’s a gig he’s worked toward and one for which we’re sure he’s ready.

He’ll have lots going on to keep him occupied, possibly even a basketball team or two to help out with.

All best, Craig, from your friends on page six.

Castlegar News