Happy Valentine’s Day

Reader's opinion is the world has already changed for the better

To the editor:

Ah, February the month of love.

As a young girl, I thought I would like to march in the freedom rallies in the southern United States. I was so ready to go! I admired Martin Luther King and the love and forgiveness he spoke of so eloquently in his speeches.

In recent times, I have been asking myself who am I really?

I have always known I have honesty, integrity and loving, forgiving ways. Now, I have found another aspect of my courage, and strength in the knowledge of what I believe and who I am.

I have changed not in spite of my life experiences but because of them. We may not think so, but everyone on this Earth has something to deal with. It’s all about loving ourselves enough to change.

The world has already changed for the better. I never did march in the rallies for freedom, but I can see Martin Luther King looking at the human race with a smile on his face.


Barb Dricos

100 Mile House

100 Mile House Free Press