Sonja Lester returns to The Interior News this week as a community columnist. (Thom Barker photo)

Sonja Lester returns to The Interior News this week as a community columnist. (Thom Barker photo)

Hard-copy it: putting the happy, the sad, the fleeting in print

New columnist Sonja Lester finds things just go by too fast on social media

Lorraine Doiron and I joined Brenda Mallory and Trish Kapelari as community columnists for The Interior News about 15 years ago. I was at an event at the Meadows and I saw another side of Lorraine: one as emcee. I realized then how much I liked her gentle, organized soul. Good luck Lorraine in whatever life brings to you in Prince George. We will miss you.

With Lorraine leaving, I appreciate being asked to continue with a column. Its purpose will be to hard-copy what is happening in the valley. Things fly by so fast on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. This will be an opportunity to cut out with the date attached and save it to a scrap book. Or send it out of town. Come into the office and The Interior News office manager, Sabrina Gautron, will give you a tear sheet to save a copy or two.

LORRAINE’S LAST COLUMN: A farewell: “This community has been so good to me and for me”

We’ve been watching the weather and hoping the best for our farmers. Hans Tugnum turned 90 this year in the haying season. According to his granddaughter, Sabrina Gautron, there was a window of opportunity and Hans left his birthday party to get some haying done in Driftwood. Glad to hear that the sun shone on your birthday Hans. Wishing you many more happy birthdays.

Two summers ago, in July, while traveling with hubby, Howard, Lorraine Duff had a collection of licence plates. Not stealing them off of cars, but photos of them. Among her collection she had a plate from Texas. At the Dawson Creek info centre there were three vehicles from Texas and while Lorraine was showing her plate collection to a fellow plate collector the lady said, “that is our plate. Literally, our plate!” Clinton and Connie Brown from Victoria, Texas got in touch with Lorraine and Howard when they came through Smithers. Dinners and sightseeing. A friendship formed and they are keeping in touch.

READ MORE: A fond farewell to our long time community columnist and Smithers Booster extraordinaire

Keep it in B.C. has been Dr. Henry’s suggestion.

Do you have a tip for us? Please let us enjoy your story of something special, fun or just plain interesting. Has someone passed on and we should remember something? Please share. We’ll hard-copy it. The happy, the sad, the fleeting.

Email: or call 250-643-9749 and I’ll return your call. Your deadline will be the Sunday before the paper because my final deadline will be Monday at 8 a.m.

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Smithers Interior News