Hard life

Perhaps Mr. Hogarth should stop running for political positions if it is such a hardship.

Editor, The News:

Re: Most on council don’t want wage increase (The News, March 7).

I read with concern that Coun. Al Hogarth may be going through some financial problems being on council and having to lose some $90,000.

Perhaps Mr. Hogarth should stop running for political positions if it is such a hardship.

I’m sure that there are a number of people in Maple Ridge who would be thrilled to earn $37,300 for a part-time position.

Our household lost 75 per cent of our income and we struggle to maintain our modest life on less than what he makes at council.

I’m tired of hearing rich people whine about how hard life is.

Live a year in my shoes and see what real people go through.

As for the job getting harder, every self-serving decision made by council makes life here more difficult, and things get harder to bear for everyone.



Maple Ridge News