Harper bringing more than pandas back from China

Dear editor,

I wish to express my disgust at John Duncan's government's most recent attack on my personal freedom.

Dear editor,

I wish to express my disgust at John Duncan’s government’s most recent attack on my personal freedom.

I am not a child pornographer. And if I was, the police currently have the ability to get a warrant to monitor my internet usage and seize my computer.

The police should NOT under ANY circumstances be allowed to obtain information on my online activity without a warrant. I believe Mr. Harper is bringing more than pandas back from China.

Please explain to me: If your government believes it is unfair to have a long-gun registry because it is a violation of people’s privacy and “all gun owners are not criminals,” why is it OK to violate someone’s privacy by allowing police access, without a warrant, to one’s personal information ‘just in case” that person looks at child pornography?

And please sir, keep in mind that unlike your claims to the contrary in the information you send to your constituents each month, less than 40 per cent of the popular vote in the last election does NOT constitute a strong mandate to push through such draconian and unnecessary legislation.

Alan Green,


Comox Valley Record