Harper government two-faced

It should come as no surprise the Conservative Party of Canada denounced as disrespectful the simple yet eloquent and powerful act of civil disobedience exhibited by Brigette DePape.

DePape, 21, in what noted documentary film maker Michael Moore described as an, “iconic moment” in Canadian history, held up a sign that read “Stop Harper,” while the Governor General, David Johnson was reading the speech from the throne, which ironically included more tough-on-crime legislation.

She did not shout, did not wave her arms, she simply stood there in the middle of the Senate, holding her sign.

DePape was immediately dismissed from her job as a Senate page for her actions.


Not even a reprimand?

Perhaps kudos for getting the sign into the upper chamber and having her message broadcast for all to see?

No, she was fired.

During the next election, as with recent elections, politicians, the political elite, academics and pundits will all decry the political apathy rampant in the 18 – 25 age group.

Countless hours will be spent dissecting the root causes of political apathy among young voters.

DePape’s brief and iconic protest will form but a footnote.

Ironically, the Harper government, as they like to be called, is the only government in Canadian history to be found in contempt of Parliament.

We had a chance to  dismiss them, but the few Canadians that did vote forgave them and, in fact, gave them a pat on the back with a majority government.

DePape shows her contempt and is called disrespectful and fired.

Harper’s government is found in contempt of Parliament, he gets a majority government.

This is what happens when the younger generation decides they don’t have time to vote.



Quesnel Cariboo Observer