Harper has hysterics over marijuana

He has absolutely no compassion for people, especially the children whose quality of life has been significantly improved by marijuana.

Editor: I too share the outrage of Health Minister Rona Ambrose concerning the Supreme Court allowing marijuana derivatives to be used for medical purposes. This decision was made to accommodate children being prescribed medical marijuana. In my way of thinking, if these prepubescent potheads can’t spark up a doobie like the rest of the potheads, they have no right to be using it in the first place.

And everyone seems to be ignoring a glaring side effect of this marijuana use by these children. I don’t know which U.S. president funded it, but a scientific paper that was released in the late 1960s outlined a serious consequence of marijuana use. This report was tabled by Prof. Billy Bob Rheddneckt, a teachers assistant/hall monitor at  Montford Technical School in Oglethorpe, Georgia, which stated unequivocally that marijuana is a gateway drug and that there is a 100 per cent chance or better that children dabbling with marijuana will become heroin addicts.

This subject is much too serious for me to be joking around, but you need a hook to get your point across. Prime Minister Stephen Harper makes President Richard Nixon look like a pot-smoking dove, ideologically. This man is a pure hysteric when it comes to marijuana, its uses and laws governing it.

And he has absolutely no compassion for people, especially the children whose quality of life has been significantly improved by marijuana.This isn’t anecdotal evidence — there are  hundreds of cases related by patients and the parents of younger children.

Harper keeps maintaining that Health Canada hasn’t the available evidence to show that marijuana is a medically viable alternative to pharmaceuticals. And do you know why it doesn’t have the evidence? He won’t fund the research, because he knows it will completely contradict his theories and hypotheses regarding marijuana.

There is an election coming soon. I think this short-sighted autocrat has been PM for much too long already. We need fresh ideas and a modern, rational way of running our country.

Neil Swanson,


Langley Times