Harper left behind fiscal failures

I am getting so tired of and so angry with the letters telling us how well off we were with Stephen Harper running the country.

To the Editor,

Re: Election all over except the shouting, Letters, Oct. 27.

I am getting so tired of and so angry with the letters telling us how well off we were with Stephen Harper running the country. How our taxes were so low, and we weren’t going to go into spiralling debt like we are with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau governing the country.

Well, either you have short-term memories or you have been living in Harper’s fantasyland.

In 2006-07, the Conservatives inherited a surplus of $13.8 billion from the Liberals, which they turned into a deficit of $5.8 billion within two years. After that, average deficits of $24.1 billion.

Harper cut taxes for high-income, single-earner families with children under 18. Just 15 per cent of families. These tax cuts accomplished nothing for the economy. None of them contributed to economic growth or job creation. They certainly did not contribute to tax fairness.

Numbers don’t lie, people do. Harper and his party were trying to present a decade of fiscal failure as one long triumph.

Gillian FranklinNanaimo


To the Editor,

Re: New PM reflects Canada’s values, Letters, Oct. 22.

What a load of garbage to say that Canada has lost its reputation. How many of the billions of people on Earth were consulted to derive this absurd opinion?

Stephen Harper was bullied to death for weeks on end. This should give Canada a bad name. Calgary Airport deserves to be re-named Stephen Harper Airport, even to symbolize that bullying is not acceptable in a decent country like Canada.

Ralph ForshawNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin