Harper makes lame-duck excuses

Stephen Harper can’t admit he has become a Conservative crackpot.

Rob Ford admitted to smoking crack. Justin Trudeau admitted to smoking pot. Stephen Harper can’t admit he has become a Conservative crackpot.

Canadians suspected Mister Harper was blowing smoke when he first denied having any involvement in the Senate scandal.

When his strategy of deny-deny-deny started to crack from all the political heat, our sanctimonious Prime Minister crucified Nigel Wright.

Day by day Stephen Harper’s duplicitous duck-and-weave defence is being stripped away. Someone once said “those without moral principles usually wrap a flag around themselves.”

Before Mister Harper is totally exposed (or perhaps deposed), he will probably wrap himself in our flag and proclaim he was only doing what was best for Canada.

Yeah, Wright … I mean, right!


Lloyd Atkins

Salmon Arm Observer