Harper needs to step back

How much do 65 F-35s cost? Harper and his government have finally lost all credibility with his lack of honesty in the fighter jet fiasco

How much do 65 F-35s cost? Harper and his government have finally lost all credibility with his lack of honesty in the fighter jet fiasco following the KPMG report on the real costs.

This stealth fighter is designed for shock-and-awe bombing, not for defense. Canadians are not aggressors; we do not support military aggression in other countries.

We do support our sovereignty, and should be consulted about the role we want our military to have.

Military expenditures under Harper must be curtailed. These are at the expense of the Canada we cherish, the country with universal health care, well-funded educational options, and support for the vulnerable and for seniors.

Harper needs to step back from his distortion of Canadian priorities!

L. Ball



Peninsula News Review