Harper seeks short term gain against Russia

Canada’s reserves of oil and gas could find a market in Western Europe, filling the void formerly occupied by Russia

Editor, The Times:

I think I’ve finally figured out Stephen Harper’s current action plan strategy.

Isolate Russia by kicking them out of the G8, thereby making Russia’s vast oil and gas reserves less attractive to the EU (Western Europe) which currently relies heavily on these reserves.

Canada’s reserves of oil and gas could find a market in Western Europe, filling the void formerly occupied by Russia. See how perfect it is – Alberta crude shipped east instead of west to both service eastern Canadian refineries and the European market. No more hassles with Northern Gateway, Kinder Morgan or Keystone XL. This new found market would allow the oil and gas industry time to buy off opposition in the west so that both options would be open thereby insuring that the grateful Canadian public would keep the Conservative (alliance) in power for ever.

The one factor that Harper has not considered is the Arctic reserves of oil and gas that we share with Russia and others. How many Russian nuclear subs does it take to claim all of this vast reserve? Short term gain for a long term pain, Stephen? I think you are in over your head, Stephen.

Wes Morden

Blackpool, B.C.


Clearwater Times