Harper’s got it wrong

More valid is this: Canada is a giant resource base.

Dear editor:

Prime Minister (Stephen) Harper’s analogy of Canada not being “a giant national’ park for the U.S.” and the “pipeline debate should be left to Canadians.”

More valid is this: Canada is a giant resource base.

(Harper) would have American environmentalists excluded from pipeline debate.  For consistency, so too ought all foreign owned companies and their lobbyists in Ottawa  for Canada is not paramount in their arguments and interests.

Security of supply for central or eastern Canada to Harper is of no concern.

To him “there’s nothing the government can do about it. . . . it is fundamentally a market-based decision. We don’t dictate pipelines go here or there.”

So reliance of these parts of Canada on sources that could be cut off in wartime is accepted.

Unfortunately the result for Canadians of his philosophy that economics is market-based  and  there’s nothing the government can do about it is foreign ownership of resources and manufacturing — Stelco, Inco, Nortel — and increasingly reductions in workers’ wages and benefits.

While in Stephen Harper’s view “I think [being market-driven has] served the country well,” it can be argued government doing nothing serves not Canadians or Canada.

We become more and more producers and exporters of raw materials rather than products made from them, not a “giant  national parka for the U.S.,” but rather a giant resource base for China and other countries as well as the U.S.

Joe Hueglin, Niagara Falls, Ont.



North Island Gazette