Harsher penalty warranted


Re: Hit-run killer gets two-year sentence, Oct. 30.


Re: Hit-run killer gets two-year sentence, Oct. 30.

Our recreant judicial system continues to lose people’s respect almost daily.

Defence lawyer Isaac Ferbey’s explanation for the light sentence was that, “The court found that (Kyle) Danyliuk had learned his lesson already.” What did he learn? That getting caught spoils the fun?

His list of charges is long, affects many and includes killing someone. Does the court suggest he now knows he shouldn’t do that anymore? I doubt it. This man acted without the common sense God gives to donkeys, but the judge felt this was unimportant.

Unfortunately, judges are not rated for their competency and get lifetime appointments. Their point of view seems to be that criminals are victims of society and need to be treated tenderly while victims of criminals can fend for themselves.

It may be time to explore electing judges or to give the sentencing rights to a separate body.

J. Edwards, Surrey



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