Hats off and wallets out

Tour de Rock deserves our support

Those of us who have had visions of cycling between Parksville and Qualicum Beach — and who only made it as far as the first pub or rest stop — can only marvel at the dedication and grim determination that must power the legs of every single one of the riders in the Cops for Cancer Tour de Rock.

You have to know that each of the riders has faced challenges — moments as they ground their slow, painful way up some nameless hill, likely with the wind blowing against them and possibly rain pounding down — when they just wished, fervently wished, that it was all over.

It takes character, in moments like that, to grit your teeth and ignore the fire that seems to be roaring through your calf muscles and continue pedaling up that cursed hill.

The Tour de Rock riders have that grit and they have it for a very good reason — the best of reasons, actually.

They’re doing it, not just for the children, but for the most vulnerable of children — those who are fighting the sometimes losing battle against childhood cancer.

The riders must know their efforts can’t save every child who is afflicted with this horrible disease, but they also are aware that maybe, just maybe, the result of their fundraising efforts might move one youngster — maybe even a few of them — from the loss column into the win column.

That’s why they sweat and grind their way up those hills, and hats off to them for doing it. The least we can do is recognize that dedication and grit by pulling out our wallets and giving a few bucks to the cause.


— Editorial by Neil Horner



Parksville Qualicum Beach News