Hats off to Longevity John fo 39 Days

Hats off to Longevity John fo 39 Days

I can only imagine the amount of work that must have to take place

Hats off to Longevity John fo 39 Days

Once again, Duncan rocked, danced, sang, and played to the sounds of incredible performance artists from the local area, across Canada, and other countries. The audiences, ranging from young families, youth, adults, and the elderly all joined together to enjoy the lazy days and nights of summer in beautiful venues in our little hamlet.

I can only imagine the amount of work that must have to take place throughout the year to pull this off so smoothly. Longevity John and his able crew work tirelessly during the performances to make each day a success. I’m sure that their work begins very early each day and continues long after the last of us leaves at night. Our community owes them a heartfelt thank you, and a pledge to continue to support this amazing annual event.

If you, your family and friends have not been able to attend these events so far, mark your calendar for next year. In the meantime, show your support by attending the shows at the Duncan Showroom throughout the year. This venue is the hub for selecting the performers for the 39 Days, and its success is vital to the continuance of the summer shows.

Thank you to Longevity John, his team, the sponsors, and the municipality for coming together to make this summer’s offerings such a grand success.

Joe Solanto

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen