Have sleeping bag, will travel

Dear editor,

Should the Enbridge pipeline be approved, I am quite prepared to take a tent, sleeping bag, etc. to a First Nations land.

Dear editor,

This Green voter is no longer in the first flush of youth but should the Enbridge pipeline be approved, I am quite prepared to take a tent, sleeping bag, etc. to a First Nations land to camp out on the surveyed line.

If our grandchildren are to have any quality in their environment, we need to begin weaning ourselves off fossil fuels. What goes up the smokestack in China adds more CO2 to that already produced here in its extraction.

I would also protest mining coal in the Comox Valley. Experiencing the Great Smog of 1952 in London, U.K., was quite a wakeup call on the health effects of coal. Surely 60 years on we can find a more sustainable energy source.

Joy Johnston,



Comox Valley Record